I joined U-Report in August 2019. For me, the best U-Report message so far has been the one that carried information from the Department of Disaster Management Affairs detailing how to stay safe during heavy rainfall and flooding.
That was important because when we face floods and heavy rainfall, most of us generally panic and do not know how to stay safe. After all, we never actually think it will happen to us. Some of the messages seem like an obvious one, but we still need to see these messages as a reminder and caution to be alert during such seasons.
U-Report empowers me as it makes me aware that the answers I give in the polls do not just go down as a statistic, rather it is a representation of my experience as a citizen and that ultimately is captured for policymakers and relevant stakeholders to consider when making decisions for the country.
We should try our level best to participate in the polls and invite others to join this platform to have our voices heard when policies and programmes are being created.