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My Community and I against COVID 19 - Timothy Peter Yatina, Egypt

I am presently away from Malawi studying at the Cairo university in Egypt. Even though I am far  away, my thoughts are with fellow U-Reporters and young people in Malawi.

I would like to ask fellow young people back home to wear face masks every time they step out of their homes. For those who don’t have, please invest in one, it is making a huge difference in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 shouldn’t be taken lightly but it can be prevented if we follow all preventive guidelines as issued by the Government of Malawi and organisations such as UNICEF and World Health Organisation. Prevention is better than cure. Let's face this pandemic head on by making facemasks cool and wearing them every time.

Fellow young people here and across the continent are now accepting the reality of COVID-19. However, this is not standing in the way of their dreams. Their dreams and aspirations cannot be stopped by Coronavirus. By standing up against COVID-19 and having a positive attitude, we will defeat this pandemic. Whether in quarantine or isolation, we have the resource called ‘time’ to be even productive by meditating or getting some online lessons. We will defeat this!

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